Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lake Iseo

We have been in Italy for a week now, starting at Lake Garda and then Verona and now at Lake Iseo. Buon girno. Lake Garda was very beautiful, the waters were very blue. We  took a boat ride to Sirmione which was beautiful as well. I didn't know that many Germans go there for summer vacation. Our b&b was fantastic and the location was good but we had to walk quite some distance with our big luggage to the b&b. The train rides were quite a headache because of our big luggages and there was no space to put out luggages and I feel so apologetic that my luggage occupied a seat. Yes before I forget, on the first day from airport train ride to lake Garda we met this super nice elderly couple who made space for me and helped me fend off a lady asking for money. I'm very very thankful to them. Verona is a city with many old buildings and history. Of special mention was the opera experience at the Arena di Verona. Outdoor opera and no microphones. You get to see the sky turn dark. The day is longer here in Italy too, the sky is still bright at 9pm. Lake Iseo is quieter and smaller than I expected. Wanwen's wedding is tomorrow, I think tomorrow will be a long day. Ciao ciao.