Saturday, September 17, 2016

3 Sep 2016, Sat at Sitges Beach Spain

On the beach now. Today's the last day of my holidays before my classes start next week. Am quite disappointed with this leg of the trip in Portugal and Spain. I felt very left out and I'm not sure if it's me or not. Because I'm stubborn? I have to learn community living and that other people have their own priorities. I'm thinking if it's best that I travel alone and do things alone. I don't know how to live and exist together with other people. I spend too much time in the bathroom, washing and dolling up. I have to seriously rethink my priorities in life because spending/ wasting time in the bathroom is not going to get me anywhere in life. Do I want to continue doing my current job? Am I ready to move to another country all by myself and work there and make new friends? Why do I want to always be different and question against by natural self? I'm quiet and an introvert and yet I hope to be more expressive and being understood by people? Why do I feel so unsatisfied when I tell people where I've previously travelled? In this trip I realised that perhaps it is not how many places or where you go; it's how these experiences impacted me and what value-add I've brought to people I came across. Perhaps instead of thinking/ lamenting my past/ future, I should cherish all the more the present. Make use of what I have instead of thinking about what I don't have. I'm not a likeable person but I hope not to be a tripping stone to others. I thought I know a lot about things yet in the end I know nothing. Have I grown stagnant? Then I really should move on. What's my direction and then focus on what's the most important in moving towards that.